Birtley East Community Primary School

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

We have an exciting Summer term planned for year 3!

Hopefully as the weather improves, we will be able to take advantage of our wonderful school grounds and participate in plenty of outdoor learning activities.

We will be exploring seasonal foods in our design technology lessons and ultimately designing and making our own seasonal tarts using local produce. Our geography unit is a European study, focusing on Italy. We will be using a range of maps to locate it and discover the physical and human features of the country. In the second half of the summer term, we will be learning about the Romans, discovering why they settled in our local area and how they lived. We will be visiting two Roman settlements to see evidence of how and where they lived.

As we have a couple of trips planned in the latter half of this term, Mrs Leighton will be setting up Parent Pay to enable you to pay towards these trips in instalments. More information about this will be sent out soon.

Our PE days are a Monday and Thursday and we recommend that children bring in a pair of leggings or jogging bottoms as well as their shorts as our tennis and athletic lessons will mainly be outdoors this term.

We ask that children continue to read at least three times per week, this does not need to be the whole book (especially now that the children are reading longer texts), but at least ten minutes three times per week will greatly benefit the children. Homework will also be set on Doodle each Monday to be completed by the following week.

Mrs Siddall, Mrs Purcell and Mrs Donnelly