Birtley East Community Primary School


Article 28: All children have the right to a primary education, which should be free.

Prospective parents and carers are always welcome to visit our school. At Birtley East we follow the Local Authority Admissions Policy for Reception to Year 6. When applying for a place at Birtley East, parents and carers will need to apply for a school place via Gateshead Local Authority, details are available on their website, link below.  You can also relevant admission policies and coordinated admission schemes via the link below.

If you want to come and look around our school at a time to suit you, please get in touch as we will be more than happy to accommodate you.

We also adhere to the Local Authority ‘Fair Access Process’ which supports and manages the transfer of some pupils between schools. If your family qualify for this process this will be discussed during the application process.

We manage our own admissions to our Nursery, and our policy is included below alongside an application form.

Our admissions policies:

To apply for a place in Nursery please complete and return the form found on the link below:

Information for new parents is included below in the Induction Pack:

Additional Information for Early Years (Nursery/Reception Classes)

We are really excited to welcome all of the children into our reception class this September. Letters are coming out this week about our induction process, but all of the information is also included here – just click on the links below.

We can’t wait for you to start school!