Mission statement:
At Birtley East Community Primary School we keep the whole child in mind. Our professional and skilled team work together to develop all children in our care to achieve their full potential. Teaching and learning is shaped by a curriculum designed to meet the needs of our community, including an additional curriculum focus on children’s wellbeing and involvement. Everything we do is underpinned by our supportive, caring and inclusive ethos.
Birtley East Community Primary school is a one form entry school with a 39 place Nursery situated at the north end of Birtley.
We take children aged 3-11 from the surrounding area within Birtley and from Eighton Banks, although we do have a few children who attend here from further afield.
We have around 250 pupils on roll taught in single age classes of a maximum of 30 (Nursery has a ratio of 13 pupils to one member of staff and may take up to 39 pupils in one session). We take pupils into Nursery the term after they are 3, so the numbers in Nursery increase as the academic year goes on.
The school is set in beautiful surroundings with an extensive outdoor space and a recently refurbished indoor environment. In addition we have a purpose built Foundation Stage with specially designed outdoor learning provision for children in Nursery and Reception classes. There are additional purpose built outdoor learning spaces for key stages 1 and 2.
Choosing a school for your child is a huge decision for any parent, prospective parents are always welcome to make an appointment to come along, meet the staff and pupils and see our school.
You can get in touch by telephone or email, details are on the front page. Our website contains lots of up to date information about our school, including our weekly newsletter. We no longer produce a paper prospectus, all information you need will be here on this website.
Anna Diggle: Headteacher
Article 3: The best interests of the child must be a top priority in all things that affect children.
Article 28: Every child has the right to a primary education.
Article 29: Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.